Below is a list of Traditional Latin Masses for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland during a typical week, organized by (1) location and (2) day & time, followed by some resources for people interested in attending a Traditional Latin Mass for the first time.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Shrine (map)
Masses Live Streamed Here
Masses Live Streamed Here
Monday - Thursday
If you’re attending the Traditional Latin Mass (also called the Extraordinary Form or Usus Antiquior) for the first time, we recommend not worrying about following along, just take it all in — the sounds of the choir, the smell of the incense, the choreography at the altar. If you have kids, bring them too! There are a lot of kids and young families who attend the TLM!
As for dress: people at the TLM tend to be more dressed up, but there are also those who dress more casually. Many women wear head coverings or chapel veils, but some don’t and it’s not required. People in the TLM community in Cleveland and Akron aren’t judgmental about these things and are welcoming and happy to see newcomers attending the Latin Mass!
In terms of what to do in Mass during your first few times attending the TLM, here’s some advice from Fr. Eric Anderson:
“If you are new to the Latin Mass, my recommendation to you is not to worry about how to participate. Put down the booklet all together. Watch and listen in the silence and let your prayer arise. Have no expectations. Let yourself be surprised. Let the Holy Spirit be your guide. Treat this time like a holy hour before the Blessed Sacrament. Realize that during this Holy Hour, something magnificent is happening: Jesus Christ, the High Priest, is offering the Holy Sacrifice.”
For other resources on attending the TLM for the first few times, see here, here, here, here, and the videos below.
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